
شغالات اخر زمن

فيني حشة اليوم بس مالي خلق احكي صراحة

والمشكلة مخي معورني لدرجة انه من جد مالي نفس اي شي

هل المشكلة فيني؟ او المشكلة بالناس؟
لا ااااااا ادري

شغالاتنا كموضوع اول فاقعين مرارتي...... قسسسسم بالله ان ما شفت آفات تاكل الاخضر واليابس كل شي والله كلللللل شي

من عمر الدنيا وانا احط حلاو جنب سريري....لهجمات الجوع المفاجئة بالليل.... لاسمح الله جعت....الا القى شي يؤكل

من يوم جاتنا اخر وحدة فيهن وصارت المسئولة عن تنظيف غرفتي..... قامت بالمهما على اتم الدقة
ما يبقى شي
في الغرفة
والا تقضي عليه...والمشكلة مو اللي مقصرين عليهم والا حاجة.... كل شي عندهم وينجاب لهم سواءا حلاو والا بسكوت والا اي شي
ورغم هذا استلمتني ام ززززززق مايبقى شي الا ويطير الى غير رجعة ويروح ببطنها
كأن احد حالف عليها تنظف (بضمير) وماتخلي شي

لدرجة ان الملحوظ لما تجي اي شغالة , انها تجي من ديرتها نحيفة ومعصقلة وسمرا
بس هذي خلال شهر واحد, سمنت 5 كيلو او اكثر وانا ازددت نحافة لاني ما اكل
مو اضراب ولكن...مايبقى شي اكله
(واحد مقهووووور من جد)
وتجيك الوالدة الله يحفظها.... تقول لك دفعة بلا....!!!! الحين دفعة البلا انها تاكل اكلي؟
ماااااااااااا فهمت من جد......

ترفع ضغطي ماما صراحة
و يزيد رفع الضغط لما تدلعها (نسمة) وهي اسمها الصدقي (مسني) بالله وين الشبه عشان ينقال؟
والا ذي وجه دلع يعني؟

وتجيك تكملة الحفلة اللي بدون كيك
(يو يون) المخيسة ام ريحة
مررررررة مصدقة انها حلوة
وذي عاد شغالة اخني
وعيبها الثاني بالاضافة لشوفة النفس اللي ودك تصفقها على خشتها بدلة شاي حليب عشان تتعدل
انه ريحتها خايسة
من جد
من جد
ودك تتعالج من الصداع؟
ادخل اي غرفة هي تكون فيها
قسسسسسسسسسسسسسم بالله انك تصاب بالعمى من الريحة
واموووت واعرف ليه تحب تقعد بأي غرفة وتصك التكييف؟ من حلاة الجو والا من جمال ريحتك يااخت يويوون؟
وفيها طبع خايس اخيس من ريحتها بعد
مسوية انها شغالة سبيشل.... يعني ماتجلس مع الشغالات ولاتسوي اي حاجة، ولا تنتبه على البزران بس تقط معنا احنا المعازيب
والله العظيم رافعتن ضغطي

ااااااااااه لا لا ونرجع للاولى (نسمة) اي حاجة بتاكلها
وتسالها عنه بعدين
بتسلّك لك وتقول لك موجود بررررة

( وتسحب عليك)

الحين وقت الظهر....

اخواتي موجودين عندنا
وشغالاتهن مع شغالاتنا
مسوين حزب
وودي اسوي زي هتلر
( احررررررررررقهم)




Girls are Bitches!
Ok, now what else?! I Know, Everybody agree on the idea of any girl can be a bitch whenever she had this right time to.....Snap! I Can Be totally B-I-T-C-H If I want to but I dont......why? Just because I know what I want, and I can get it by (Talk)!!
When It comes to my point that I wanna Discuss tonight, though I dont have the mood really to blog, but I seriously Wanna know what the Fuck is Going On Behing this Fucked Up Drama that I am Having these Days...!!
Being in a LDR, and Not for the First time, means that I am willing to commit, and work this LDR out..
You, Being in the Same LDR, while you dont really know what do you want...Is a Big Problem!!
 I Do Believe that Distance is not the end of the world in any relationship..
Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love.
I Dont know, Maybe I read too Much!! I Admit it, being addicted on reading these books for (relationships and how to make your self better in this world) is a Piece of Shit !!

I Love this person who lives far away from me...and I really miss'm the most...I sometimes feel that I wish to be in the same place just to hold and feel'm..Although, I may feel like I'm losing faith in my relationship at times, but i hold fast and I  trust My heart!
I dont snap when I miss this person, I do...well, I do sometimes but not at this (Particular) one...I snap on my best friends, on my family members, and I return back to normal whenever I hear that warm voice...

Unlike Her,
This is turning her to a total snapper, who apperantley getting me a HUGE Pain in my Ass because of the Dramatic action that happen every single Day!
I Dont snap, I Dont make you Mad, and I Do More steps to keep up the Distance (Closer), Its not my fault that Society Sometimes Judge people, Or that Fate sometimes got us something planned before we were born..When Things gone bad, She Snaps... !
I Tried my best not to losen my nervs...But lately...I couldnt..!
You wouldnt be able to tolerate it more and absorbe the Humilation and the bad attitude Especially from the one you love the most...The Age-Gap is turning Wide-er! coz of the Stupid acts that took place...and the Ignorance naaaah the Realization (the late realization) When Masks go down and you are shocked to the bone that this Someone just like....Others!

I Dont know....I saw something Special in that person, I Even agreed to get involved in this LDR while I do have the potentials and the style to get Who ever I want in One snap of my Fingers..!!

The Point that really pissed me beside that all was, the STUPID thought of ( Why dont ya Post my Picture into your Display Picture in the Black Berry) ....Seriously this Makes me VERY SICK!
WTF!! And why should I put your Personal Picture in MY Display Picture?!
Ok Here are the Reasons that I've got as an aswer (which is a stupid answer btw)!!
1- Those tomboys whom I know, and FLIRT with me.....LOVED The Picture and Put it in their DP!
2- You Dont love me that much!
3- They Care, and they Post it in their Stupied fucked up Display Pictures....!!


when you love someone, you seems to be protective...I hope you are following...
Being Protective means,
You :
1-Love this person
2- You Care for him in his worst conditions.
3- you keep him safe..

I hate to be compared with others...ESPECIALLY if they were BUNCH of LOSERS!! thats #1
I Dont post your Picture because I DONT Run to my friends and show them your picture saying in a fake pride (See this person....I FUCKED'EM)!! Or (See this person, They totally are fallen for me! Doormatt Stupid girl!!) thats what happens when They post someones picture.....Thats #2
I am not outta the closet...And DUH none of our people is really Outta da Closet and whats exactly the point of writing a name next to mine if they already know im in love?!.....Thats #3-A
Whats the point of Showing off, to show some people who wouldnt even have a second thought or hesitation to Steal the picture of you and Re- Use it in a Non-ethical way....?! That Yo Fuckers, this is The One I Shag, and this is what ya want? Then Whats NEXT!!!

They already know....the straight ones know im in love, and the GLBT ones know that Im with you as long they are connected to my FB!! Thats#3-B

Comparing me to Bunch of Losers, Who Just want to Be inside your Pants Before anything Else is a BIG SHAME ON YOU....If you think they care, then you are totally WRONG!!

Thats #4

Snapping Every Single Day like a Silly arrogant Spoiled Old lady is not getting you any where, not even will make me Post your picture or do whatever you are asking me to do....I DONT GET FORCED! and as long as I Feel that this is the RIGHT thing, I WOULDNT GIVE A FLYING FUCK!! Stop Snapping its not getting you anywhere but HEADACHE!!
Whinning too Like a Spoiled Little Un Polite Girl whom I wish I Could smack her ass for being such so... Is not Fitting you too,Coz as simple as this word (YOU ARE NOT A KID!!) Thats#5
for now, Im still have this Daziness in my head, my eyes are getting me like Im in GTA Game, Annoyed and Hurt,and feeling anger of what happened earlier today....
I Dont feel that I;ve mistaken anything, and I dunno + I dont wanna know what is going next coz I lost interest.....

I guess im stilll shocked,, that you appeare to be as selfish and shallow as those stupid wanna-be's!
and Im hurt for the un-fair comparission between me and those (harmonic -sex maniac nymphoic girls)...Broken coz of the bad choice of words....(Thank you for being the ONE who LIfted me from those scums,and loved me.....I was doomed!)

I will Ignore the Fact of ....I Miss you... Because Seriously, It Must Stop!!

I will heal, I will Grow up, and I will Forget... Coz this Wont kill me...It will Make me Stronger...

I will put-down my (Life) I-pod, and Turn some Music!!