
Disturbia! *&@#(&*@&#^*@&#^&^@^^^^@#!!!!

Im really Disturbed.....Naaah I am really not in a very good shape now....Not in a Good mental Status, not a good mood... I will sum it up with few points just coz I dont wanna think about it anymore after writing it here...

Yesterday,I had to be admitted to the hospital...I felt so weak...So fucking weak in a way I couldnt even stop my tearing eyes!
I missed some people and they shocked me the most...
Some Of them I really Missed,None asked...! and that hurts me the most yesterday....

Today, i am missing someone... And I got shocked too...

I just dont wanna talk .... i just feel that even if I talked nothing going to bechanged..I am so fucking adult, and I have to ACCEPT and ADAPT!

So Just go it !!