
Coming Out......

Black  Or White... Male or Female... Yes or No...
Few things that needs to be  answered  in this life... they are so simple ..But yet... Imagine if you are Not black, Nor white...what about those people who live in Grey?!
I have been grown up to discover that I do not belong to Females' world....Thou I mistakenly declared as one...!
I Do not Fit in this Category that Says (I should belong to a Gender "like to accept the name of -female- for example thou i hate it!!! 

Coming out is not an easy thing to do...
Especially with a family like mine...people surrounding like that.. ln away I'm sure they wont even Understand....!! 
I live in Saudi...Where all shattered dreams, slaughtered "virgins" with the name of love....have been slaughtered because they lost their family's trust.....I dont know....I am still living in this Shitty place, just because I work there! 
I do not have any attached feeling to what so ever called ( home land).... My Home land is where my heart lies within...and Its in my body...My home town is where else....I dont have even any strings attached to what so ever called a family.... My family is loveable but they are SELFISH! each one of this family is a selfish CUNT! Guys are so Fucked up ....I am so masculine than them.... Girls are so fucked up mentality...and I am superior to that ..... 

I have big amount of rage....self sorrow and pain..... 
Today....I burst into tears for watching a video blog on You tube..... This person talked about the real feeling I am feeling now adays..... OH...By the way....I turned one year older... No one bothered !! 
so ,
It is time to stand and Come out..... from this shitty closet I have been hiding my self in...I am so sick of this stupid question If i was a Boy or a Girl....and the strange look that categorized me as a freak for whole of my life.....I am so sick of living in this family...not participating..because its like I am just sitting on the Sofa watching....I am the Light Catcher,who Use to Watch his Own life passing By without doing any thing!

The Coming Out / dry-run 

Hi, My name is Ash...I am 33 years old, and I am an  FTM 
I really hate when people look at me with this weird look asking (what are you? A Boy or a girl?) 
and I have been dealing with this stupid question for almost Thirty Three years of My humble life.....

* First Try.... 

I remember talking to my sister about my real self....She called my other sister, and sat with me...Discussing the whole Issue (Mocking me)....That was the First and the Last time I Rely on my Own Sister..!!
that was at the early summer of 1992, I was 12 years old and I was going to a therapist....!!!!

* Second Try....... 

At the early Minutes of 28th of July, 2010, morning.. I Had the Biggest fight ever with the same sister....Accusing me of being (lesbian)!


-Part One-