

Have you ever been in Hallucination-mood and you thought that you will never wake up and get outta of it? This is the Idea... Being Finally Awake, Is When you have this Huge Artificial Idea about your self.. for the whole of your life, and Suddenly!! It's Changing!!

I Ought My self to respect, cherich and support (Me)...Through thick and think, I would be there for Me...I wud Pat my Shoulder when I accomplish any thing And I wud Spank my soul If I was mistken.... I wud be the Harsh Critic Eva when it comes to my behavior...I Judge my self because I DONT LIKE TO BE JUDGED BY OTHERS... Others Dont know anything about me..They Cant Judge me For my look, for my walk, nor talk or even my writings... I Dont Judge people.. I Am not a Raciest...I Dont judge people coz of their race.. I dont judge ppl for their coloures.... I Just Hate One thing... Ppl in My Country!!

Yes, I Do Hate you..!!! You Ignorant Ppl !! You Psychotic Freaks of nature!!! I Dont get it!!
You Categorize ppl through their Coloures, You Love (White ppl) You Hate (Black ppl) As If its a Sin! You Wont Marry your daughters to a different family just because They arent the same name! You Mock PPL who are Overweight and you look at them Like if they came from a different Planet!!!

This is Me... Finally-Awake.... Awake from You Ignorant Dream...Your Arrogant Opinions..Your Idiot Thoughts!!

I will be Awake... and I am Warning You!!!!!!!!!!