
Jealousy.....By: Miss_NO_Promises...

I Read this today....and I loved it....

Hi Everybody Remember the rules;

1-If u don’t know English..don’t continue cuz I am not going to b ur translator

2- I am NOT – and I REPEAT – NOT Showing OFF or anything, but thz z the way I prefer.

3- It IS OK to reply n Arabic WHY DO U FEEL Jealousy???? Let me rephrase it …

Why Do GIRLS feel jealous???
have u noticed that GIRLS feel jealous more than MEN??? WHY ?????
I have noticed girls GO CRAZY over jealousy….
Personally I believe those r the reasons:

1- Girls Don’t feel SECURE ..Their self Confidence z very Fragile !!! So get intermediated by any other cuties around n the house

2- They like to Control…and being jealous = controlling the other person !!! If u know ur love z so freakin crazy, u will be terrified and u will STOP acting like a NORMAL Human Being and Start being a Paranoid.

Mmmmmmm What else ..I am out of ideas Ok … Tip of The Day:

  • Don’t be Crazy jealous…cuz if the Only thing that will prevent ur love from going away with some1 else z U Acting crazy,,,Let Her/Him Go….

  • If the ONLY thing that will prevent ur love from going away with some1 else z cuz s/he AFRAID of u …Let her/him Go….

  • If s/he Loves u ….s/he Won'T leave u for another person….If s/he does that…s/he have NOT love u in the first place…

End Of The Blog.