
How Old Are You?

what is the possibilities of having  one heart beat misses around in the age of late thirty's? im watching a movie right now,MBC2 and it sound nice,,,I wanna know the real reason of Old Men dating younger girls,and IF its possible to be acceptable for Older women to date younger guys?
I Mean, Its acceptable if we see an old guy dating a young girl, But when a Lady, an old lady dates a younger guy...its all about that! not fair at all.....!
dazzling actress thou I dont know her name (now)!
Is Old means Boring? Or Old Means Wisdome/.
Does really age matters in all relations? I mean why its not acceptable for a guy to ask or flirt with an older lady if he really likes her? In my society it never happen because younger guys are always behind money only and Sex!

Any ways,

I will go to see the Movie,,,Its a Nice One