
Shattered thoughts..

There was a story behind that door,
an adrogynous, girl called once: as whore!
filled with a hope,
sprinkled like a star...
to get her master..once aday,
to be called as doctor. Ash dee!!

Hopes were meant to be shattered..
a dull society.. so tight in minds..
I fought alot, and won sometimes;
I failed too; but I licked my wounds..
I grown up to be my self..
No Mr. Nor a Miss..
I have Got it all, Im Flattered!
I killed my hopes,
and screamed : Dismiss!!

I get High,to forget..
How life can be so cruel..
I get high in order to survive,
to be just : calm 'n c o o l !
I pretend because, its easier to me...
a fool to be rather the cheated on..

Life is a Bitch...
Keep Rollin' On !!