
Lessons I wanna pass to Ma Kids..! – part.3

Lessons I wanna pass to Ma Kids..!
                                                                                                   If there's some!! – part.3

I'm the youngest among Five Elder Sisters; who're now mothers for matured- adults, teen agers and Kids... With a total of 18 Nieces and Nephews. Some are in similar age, and some are teen agers. I Start to Observe the Different ways of each one of my sisters dealing with her own kids……I Noticed this….  I'm Single, and It is not a MUST that I Pay instead of their kids, Simply because they are not kids anymore..!!

I hanged out with Bunch of them, when I travelled to Dubai in winter of 20'11…We went to the Marina Walk..  Girls were well-dressed up, Make over and high heels…!! Guys were wearing something fashionable shorts, low pants and formals. And they looked nice too!! I've never treated them Like Kids, we sit, we even Order some Hubbly Bubbly!

Spent one of the most amazing Nights ever. One of them started a topic and everybody was involved in the conversation while we smoke it over…. Jesus! These lil Brats were matured in My Eyes!! Each one of them had a dream and a goal, although their moms were treating'em like kids….But I Didn't!!

When It comes to the Check-Bill, I Volunteer sometimes to Pay it all because we are enjoying the place, Cherishing the Moment we are at Especially that Some of them  are studying abroad. So I don’t want to waste this memory as (Me) treating them like  Their Elder Friend  who can always turn back to whenever they needed an advice, Instead of the (Auntie)….

Usually the result of me having a good time, Ends up with me inviting them!!!

I do it because, I want to….. This is Point #1.

Sometimes, we chip it over, and each one pay what he ordered….Fair enough!!!

But when it comes to Holidays, Sisters around, and that  Prodigal sister is there, she hint for loads of things like every time we order pizza or some Mac Donald's Meals… she would never give  her kids money to pay for their  orders!! The Idea is, I am Single, I do have a life too, and I do have serious Financial Issues that you Might not Have Since you've been married when you were a teen aged girl with no sense of fashion or wateva!!

It keep Pisses me off when this Particular Person thinks that I MUST Pay for her kids Meals, Or Groceries! Because I DO Have Plenty of Money!!

  Like Yesterday for example; I heard that ma sister is sending her driver to the supermarket to get things for everyone, and who ever want anything. Bring your list and money..

when I Ordered One Energy Drink (Bison) ,and that alone  cost me 1$ (2.5 SR), and her Son for Example was asking her for Another Kind of Energy Drinks that Would Cost 2$ (6 SR), and then I come and give her One Dollar, She Is Like…..WhaaaaaaaaT!! Only a Dollar! I Thought that You're Gonna Bring 5$ at least Since you have a Job and you get paid-well!! You are his Auntie, You MUST pay His Drink as well…..!!!

Well, EXCUSE ME...!!! Paying because I want to is away different than I MUST to  because you just have this (Disappointment) Of being a Mom, and you feel that Me being Single, relaxed independent  and Stress-Free Person  is not fair!

I hate this, and I hate this Stupid Attitude!

So, One Lesson to be taught for those Lil Brats, But yet the Most Adorable Kids of Mine, If there was some….

I will kick your sorry asses If I ever Seen you doing this to Your Aunties…..Or Anyone Else…

There is what I Call (Dignity) and that is the First Word to be taught in here….. Dignify your Self…. Keep Your Dignity and NEVER ask anything from anyone….!!

Aim yourself with Knowledge where it is Power. And Work hard to get the Highest Degree you want to… (Of course I won't let ya mess with it….Eva!)

Keep the Chain of Life so Simple, and Enjoy it….

You will  Get the Job of Your Dreams No matter what is it….and with Friends, Family, and your beloved ones (Generous) is the second word, Pay your girlfriend's Coffee, Your Best friend's Lunch ONLY whenever you felt you want to …Not because you Have to!!

Be a Noble….Not a Bagger!!

For God's Sake…. To Be a Leader you must act like one!!

People will treat you on that Belief you See on the Mirror when you see a Reflection Of your Own Self…