
when I Mistakenly Declared a : Female!!

One Upon a Time when I Mistakenly Declared a : Female!!

Living in the wrong body, Missing parts that won't grow-up &the Shock

Time: Summer of 1980

Location: Middle East, Saudi Arabia..
A new baby has been added to my family members.... End of Report..!

Gender: Female (But Deep Inside as I grew up....I Figured, it's a Wrong Answer!)


 I'm not a Female, Yet not a Male...I'm Just a Creature that lies in the Middle...... Not a He or a She! I don't know what Am I!!

Reality Slap #1:
In My Place, Having a big family and loads of kids would be a source of Man's Self Imaged Pride among his tribe, especially if his Out-spring were mostly boys... I've never treated like a girl thou, maybe my parents thought that I have a Disorder or something mental... The reason as I realized later that I was spoiled by Granny, the one who always believed in me as Solo...Not Mashael (my Arabic name means Fire Torches)...
My dad treated me like the spoiled brat, and felt like ..(This kid in not a troublesome like the rest of brothers and sisters)...I was the Youngest...and that's why I guess ...My Personality Had this mixture of both (Masculine and Feminine) Touches. Wise and Ridicules at the same time…Mature and Childish in other times.

Reality Hurts:

First time I Said I Feel like a Boy, I was 11 years old..! and It was a Whisper  to my friend Sahar…Trying hard to express it all in Simple words; to make it easy for her to understand what I'm feeling... She thought I Must been kidding!!

ý  First time I realized that all girls in my class were growing up, getting breasts that can be called –boobs. And having their first Period, with these female's mixed Emotions...I was 17 years Old..!

ý  First time I Described My Self I said in words (I hate being the Shortest, the Innocent among them... and I feel embarrassed for not having my period like them as well! I have to lie, pretend Because Not having breasts like they do, Or a BF…)

ý  First time I Quote ((I hate my breasts and I hate my vagina, yet I've never strongly related to being a man. Can anyone else relate to this, or know of anyone who has felt similar? I have to make a full transition to lead anything close to a normal life. I just feel that even then I may be playing the part of something I'm not.))  It was from the Age of 18 until I reached 26…

ý  First time I Questioned My Self,

Scream #2
   I Had this mixed feelings, what am I?

 If I were a Man, then why do I have missing Parts?

 If I am a Woman like they stated in my Certificate of Birth…Then, why Don't I feel like that?!

Creativity Works:

I Start Reading, More Books…More Resources and More Articles …

Cross-dressing was the Only Solution for this Dilemma at that time…

Me As:  Drag King – Step One-

 I start doing this whenever there is a party, Costume-themed Ones of course... I felt (Me) but yet, I still have something missing....I Can't Wait to return Back Home and Be Me with No Mustache or a Beard!

This part of me that Never allows me to get convinced or satisfied with the Fact of me having female's parts or even the male's Hidden- parts as well!

Question Needs to Be Answered…. And a Prayer Needs to Be Heard..

Books, Encyclopedia, References, Articles, Newspapers, Internet, and Live- survey…where my Guidance, My Lights in this Darkness…Holy Quran and Prayers…were my Salvation…
I Must Know the Answer for this Question, Even If  I had to look for it...Anywhere, no matter what It costs...!!!

Society Cruelty, Individuals Stupidity: &


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As in Saudi, Women needs to wear (Abaaya) A Black dress and a Head veil to cover their bodies and heads.

The Truth is, I Look Stupid!

 Its Awkward, because I am suppose not to wear this, its Un fair to be in a female role while everything in me screams (I am not) !

Reality Conceal:

I had to adjust myself on this Un-fair Decision; It was fun at the beginning because the 2nd part of this Abaaya, there is the Hidden World of Females...

Reality Conceals me with this (Abaaya was only the gate into a wider world)!

When you dress like girls, you will go to (Female weddings) and You will see that Females world is Full of Lesbians too!! Who Gaze into Naked flesh wearing nice dresses and flirt...Oh yeah I, admit it.. I tried it once or maybe more than once to flirt even If I had to put on a Hair wig to look feminine!! And I got bored easily, Since I am a Home-Oriented person, I decide to Teach My Personal Driver (how to drive) Since it's not Legal  for women to drive in Saudi Arabia.

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Yeah I Know, WTF!!

 We are allowed to have Bitches, who suck their Bosses Dicks to Get Promoted, Whores who would force you to pay for Shagging'em with No Muhram at all!!  Lesbians who are lusty enough to Drool Over  Gays, Cock Tease Sluts but its (7aram) and Not allowed to Stay Behind the Wheel Driving your Own Car!!

Slap to Reality!

 I Start Wearing Male (Thobe) which is the White Dress they used to wear in Arabs Country and Put on Some Mustache and Beard... No One would recognize me at all, but too bad when you can't do it every day!

Shit Happens:

In The Airport, I use to have this Problem every time I Travel ... And Since I travel a lot, I got Used on the Idea of ...
An Officer stares at my passport, where I wear this Head Scarf and then, Look at the person standing in front of him, In a Jean's Pant, and short hair, Looking so Manly! I sometimes had to pass thru Personal (Checking) where ladies have to (Touch) Down there to get sure that I'm not pretending at all !!

Last few years,
I Tried to figure this out through Science and Medical fields, My Doctor Made this Analysis About me:
Sexual-Personality Disorder, An Eclectic- Androgynous Need to be assisted physically with Hormones to correct this Mistake....


They Said It's Forbidden! And That I will Burn in Hell If I Changed my Sex! Doctors refused to assist me coz it's a Self-threatening crucial Subject....and I'm still what I am.

Not a He or a She, and my Society called me (Lesbian)!! Without any consideration of me being in the Middle. I'm 32 Years Old, Working in a Field where all females are around me, they don't feel comfortable, nor the guys in here as well...
Guys feel I'm too Far away of Being Female thou I had the Curves,and It pisses them off seeing me there in the middle of all the Females while they Cant!! Females are not Comfortable coz they are Afraid of what I Would Be, Lets say More Confused.. Of what Am I...

For Me,

Its not a Gender Changing, Its a Gender Correction, where you put the right Mentality into the Right Body.... I Cant Live as a female, Not anymore ( But Being here) is Giving me more Actions that the L Word Series!!! Especially 2011, Where I Had to Loosen it up lil bit and try coming out......OMG! Have ya Eva Know How Hard to Come-Out for a Saudi Family? (I will Keep you Posted)


Im in the Right Place, With People Who would Relate to What I Feel, and I Do Feel the Same about your Threads..I Came up with a Decision that says: My Name is Solo Ash and I am the Saudi FTM,Your New Eye into the Middle East FTM Community....I Lost My Only Supporter...MY Granny and I Need Support...

I Tweet @solo_Stoner for more info's..

- 2 B Continued-

Things I want to teach my Kids. Pt#2

Lotta things in my mind right now, No Body knows........!!

I just feel Lost.

One old friend of mine said that I've changed..!! Did I? And was it for Good or Worse? I feel a huge Tornado that moving my brain from this idea to another million ones...Not finished thou, but I just get it as a hard brain storming with no result.....!! Everybody else is gone..!! Seriously, Everyone I knew in my old Gone... Were they good ones? I Miss Sara, And Sultan, and the most important thing, I Miss Me...

Friendship these days are getting ! For me maybe.... I start to become more sensitive, and more observant.... Not everything I like...not anymore..

Getting closer to females these days leads to forbidden actions, which I don't approve...or want for time being.... I am deciding one thing; to do a report on my own personal case....I might get to an answer or...

Anyways, another Idea popped up now, the Hygiene issue...... Daaaaaaamn it!! I noticed that Hygiene must not only be related to the sum of education you get, it's related and strongly connected with your own ideas and personality forming you.... One person I know who is well-educated and get well-paid. Got the Most Un-Cleaned (Badge)!! That I would seriously give to that certain individual and his/her family....!!

Ew! I Can't Imagine Waking up at morning, putting 3 drops on each eye just to open my eyes leaving all dirt around it! Or not brushing my teeth...... For God's Sake, I'm a Smoker and I do smell better than they do! Not exaggerating it, I do! I Brush my teeth, floss, and Wash it after all with a teeth wash...And then I use the tongue shovel, where I end up so clean and refreshed..... I have a shower every day because I know that Human body loses the skin and we need to scrub it and remove the dirt that has been attached to our bodies for the whole day.....! I Love to Indulge me, Shower Gel's, Bubble Bath, Salts for Scrubbing...and I Put Body Oils, and Lotions, and Scented ones, I Apply a good sum of Deodorant under ma arm bit's, then I Spray my Favorite Perfume on my Naked Flesh, Before I spray my Everyday Perfume on my Clean-Well Ironed and washed T-Shirt !!

I Change my Underwear Daily, and Socks too!!

That's what I call (Self-awareness) ... When you feel responsible for your Look in front of others. I really don’t get it…How they don’t feel it !

One Lesson I wanna Pass to My Kids, If there were some….

Hygine, Is your Responsibility, and It's Your religious practice…. As Prophet Mohammad Asked..

Do It.... Or Else!!!!!!

Lessons I wanna pass to my Kids.... (If there's some....maybe!) pt.1

I Discovered that there are lotta things that we have been raised and grown up to think that they are so true...well,they are not!
I Had a short leave, for few days to relax, and booked my ticket to UAE, I love the place coz I just feel that I'm the middle of all the big city, and the crowd, am just enjoying it!!
Any ways, the destination was Atlantis
I Dreamt of the Relaxation that Im getting Once I Put my Foot there....
Hmmm .... Relaaaaaaaxing and ......Not Doing anything at all.....UhhhhHH!!!!! I Need It...Finally!

Swimming, and Getting Tan,, Uh Oh Ma God! I Loved The Idea !!

But the plan has changed when we ....hmmmmmm  decide to take the kids!!
Now, I am not complaining, I know that the name of Atlantis would make any kid of this (Strange tech. Generation)  drool as if it was Diseny land or Las Vegas for Teens,,,, The Impossible dream that if it happen, it would be Wow!! ...
Sadeem,the little girl whom I use to call her the Pink girl....She loves to buy,eat,dress,use,chooses anything ..that is: .PINK!!

Was the First kid who went with Us...

Kids!! You Know What Kids Mean?! In Airport and Screaming every where!! UH!!

I always looked at her, like this ..the silly little girl who loves pink and dont think of anything but how to act like big girls...... I Discovered that she is just a ......Real Little Kid!!
I Dunno, we used to treat her like someone who is 12 or 13 years old, she sounds like that age, a lil teen ager or so...but it turned that she is just a little kid!!
We reached there, Had the Yummiest Breakfast eva as Parents with Kids....and we Decided to Go to the Aquaventure....the Water Park...I get a Tan, Kids enjoy Playing too!!
When we Stepped to the River...with Our Tubes...
I asked her to wear  the Saftey Jacket.... I just felt that this is More safe....
She Flipped over with her tube when she encountered the Big Wave
 and start crying...
For ten minutes< I swim backward and forward looking for her when she didnt came to the same place the water dragged me to....the designed path is not a big Dilemma but for a Kid it is !!
and I almost didnt know that!!
 when she fail to ride the tube again....and then she felt like Oh ma God! I am lost! and start crying again like a real little kid before we find her ....She said that I cried because I was afraid of being lost...
God! I always thought she knew how to act because of her mom's wrong idea that she used to draw for her as a grown up matured girl....Alas!! WTF she is just a kid!!

We ended up after this funny but yet an eye opener experience Kids Zone..
where she enjoyed it swimming there and riding the slides with Azozi and Meeting New little friends......After all, My whole Idea about ( few days of relaxation) turned to be a Parental trip...!

I had fun thou..!!

the Lesson I wanna Pass to my Kids,,if I had some One day.....

Do Not Waste your Child hood trying to act like Big ones....Enjoy every little moment of being a Kid.... There is time to face reality as Grown ups....Enjoy you being You!
One Mistake that I am not tending to pass for them, I will never let them act bigger than their real age, this we learnt it because of being with our parents (Be good, Be Quite, Be a good grown up!) I dunno why!! I Mean, Me as being raised in a family where all the members were Older than me...I was in the Middle between (Aduly world) and (Children world) I was raised with some of my Nephews and Neices  and I know how hard to keep it you in this situation.....
One Lesson is Down.....

Life, has been Given to You (My Child)...

Like We Did....

Seize the day and......

وهم...كل المواعيد...وهم

لما يفهمك شخص مرة تحبه غلط..ويفسر كلماتك على نحو خاطيء
مدري وش تسوي

مرة  يوجع هالشعور...
مرررررررررة اكثر من الكثير
معورني الشعور.....ومرررررة ماابغى افكر فيه

ومرة صعب

لما تشتاق له \ بكل مافيك من اقصى شعورك وهو جاي يلومك على شيء ما تقصده



ارغب بالتواري بعيدا عن كل شيء الان


ارغب باغماض عيني....على قمة الحب الذي احسسته بالامس

الا افتحهما مرة اخرى لاصحو على مايحدث الان...

في هذه اللحظة بالذات....

حين أقف محتارا....
لا املك حق الرد
لان الرد بمثابة اثبات لاتهام انا بريء منه براءة دم يعقوب......هذا لو كنت قد ارتكبته

ولا  املكـ حق الدفاع

والمسألة كلها برمّتها أصبحت غلطتي


لا تعليق من جد

أتمنى ان اغمض عيني الان
وسط نقاشنا....
اتجاهل ماقيل\ومايتناثر من شفتيك
بحقي وانا اقاوم......لاخر عصبٍ فيني
ان اغمضهما بشدة ...فتؤلمني لافتحها  وأجدني بين ذراعيك...

أحتضن كلامك ....هنا بداخلي.... بداخلي كجنينٍ ينتظر اوامركِ لاجهاضه
يتلوى ألما لركلاتكِ اللفظية
حين يتكور في بطني كألم متحجر
يعتصر ألماً لكلّ طعنةٍ من حرفٍ تغرسه بلا وعي..... من شدة الغيرة

من شدة الحب

من شدة الغضب
من شدة كل شيء ...!

اكره هذه اللحظات الان
أكره كل من حولي وابغضهم لدرجة القرف

واعشقك حد الجنون

ارغب بالطيران الان والتحليق فوق كل الكلمات الجارحة التي تتفوه بها (رغما عنك) ما (أحلمني) أبحث لك عن عذر حتى في اشد اللحظات قسوة


جزيرة معزولة مافيها الا فتحة كهف صغيرة مظلم داخلها لكنها تطل على السماء

وادعو الله

ان يجعل كل الامنيات حقيقة

ان يجعل مشاعري مرئية اكثر...للجميع حتى تعرف ان لا احد سواك بداخلي

ينبض بي

إن ابتـعدَ راحـلاً ...!!


Life Aint fair..Some time !!

1st day at work after the sick-leave combined with- the weekend...I didnt miss it here...Its June,Summer time and  Its my Contract renewal that needs an-Evaluation to be filled up prior to the due date...which is supposd to be.....TODAY!!
Today, I spent 4 years in this Redemption place....I've must been a sinner in another life...I still wonder when I will get my Freedom..!
Anyways,I added my GF to my friends Group in the Blackberry, and Since I know how much I love her, and I positivly sure that I didnt cheat on her......I wake up Today on this sad mood of her...
I Hate the idea that says, I was the on who made her morning this miserable (with out knowing) the real reason..>!! I hate it...I'd rather to have someone who talk and argue....Someone who would Scream in Anger, and at least .... say it loudly....!

I Ruined her morning while she is suppose to revise for her exam....I just fl that I cant evn be me...I Miss Her!! I Really Do!

I dont wanna be kinda of weak sissy,I miss her ...and I dont know what to do just to know what bothered her in that group...that has been deleted for ever...!!

I Miss You!!