
Life Aint fair..Some time !!

1st day at work after the sick-leave combined with- the weekend...I didnt miss it here...Its June,Summer time and  Its my Contract renewal that needs an-Evaluation to be filled up prior to the due date...which is supposd to be.....TODAY!!
Today, I spent 4 years in this Redemption place....I've must been a sinner in another life...I still wonder when I will get my Freedom..!
Anyways,I added my GF to my friends Group in the Blackberry, and Since I know how much I love her, and I positivly sure that I didnt cheat on her......I wake up Today on this sad mood of her...
I Hate the idea that says, I was the on who made her morning this miserable (with out knowing) the real reason..>!! I hate it...I'd rather to have someone who talk and argue....Someone who would Scream in Anger, and at least .... say it loudly....!

I Ruined her morning while she is suppose to revise for her exam....I just fl that I cant evn be me...I Miss Her!! I Really Do!

I dont wanna be kinda of weak sissy,I miss her ...and I dont know what to do just to know what bothered her in that group...that has been deleted for ever...!!

I Miss You!!